Another One: 561-962-0988 – FBK Products

Well, it seems as if the telephone is getting a bit busier these days. Hey, maybe it’s a sign that the economy is picking up and these obnoxious telemarketers are a barometer! They’ve got to pay these rude morons something, after all.

It was my business line that rang this time, and as a result, I answered with my “business greeting.”

Now I’m not sure if that was a turn-off for the ignoramus on the other end of the line, or if it was just one of those typical telemarketing hang-up calls, but all I heard was “click” after I answered.

As I normally do under these circumstances, I researched the number that showed up in my Caller ID. Other consumers have reported receiving calls from this outfit, called “FBK Products” who were reported to be trying to sell some kind of septic tank treatment or something.

I could think of a number of suggestions for someone making telemarketing calls regarding septic tanks, as well as a few suggested new company names for “FBK",” but I’ve got other things to do.

Watch for the above number and/or company name on your Caller ID so you can take whatever action you deem appropriate.





2 responses to “Another One: 561-962-0988 – FBK Products”

  1. D Avatar

    FKB Products has been phoning us for years! Unfortunately, at one time my husband purchased some septic packettes to be used once per month. Cost was $200 – $350 which was too much, but …. it shipped, we rec’d it, paid for it. Since then, for the last 5 or 6 years, they have called and called. Both my husband and I have asked them to remove our name and/or number from their call list… they still call. We have threatened to report them pursuant to DO NOT CALL registry regulations, but they continue to call.

    I’ve decided to do a little further research into this matter. If I am able to obtain newsworthy info to help folks stop being harassed by FBK, I will post back to this site asap. Good luck.

    PS In the interim…. Here is a couple of suggestions: 1) There is always the old “whistle” trick…. Once you know it is a repeat caller that won’t take no for an answer, blow the whistle as loud as you can into the phone. The calls should stop within a few calls!! 2) Just lay the phone down and continue on with whatever it was you were doing before you were so rudely interrupted. They won’t appreciate it anymore than we appreciate their harassing phone calls!!

  2. Melissa Green Avatar
    Melissa Green

    I took an audiology class years ago and was told that phones have filters on them that don’t allow extremely loud noises (high decibels) to go through. This avoids damage to the eardrum. I’m not sure if your whistle trick will work, but at least it would annoy them.

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